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Our Trainings

Aircraft Painter

Aircraft painting and finishing differs from traditional automotive painting, both in the materials used and in the specific work techniques.

Fast Track

The aerospace industry is growing rapidly and requires skilled workers. The program is geared toward the specific needs, requirements and procedures of a particular organization.

With the advent of composite materials, Click bond fasteners are used more often and their use eliminates the need for rivet holes, countersinking or dimpling. While effective when installed properly, an incorrect surface preparation or an improper application of adhesive can lead to failure (disbound). It is crucial that employees be trained in the proper methods of installation.

Coldworking fastener holes is a simple life enhancement procedure that strengthens metallic components by retarding crack growth around the hole. The most common method of coldworking involves pulling an oversized, tapered mandrel through a hole.

Structural fasteners, used to join aircraft structures securely, come in thousands of shapes and sizes, many of them specialized and specific to certain aircraft. Since some structural fasteners are common to all aircraft, this training focuses on the most frequently used fasteners. Fasteners are divided into three main groups: solid rivets, blind rivets, and finally special fasteners.

Threaded fasteners, which are used to attach parts to aircraft structures, come in thousands of shapes and sizes, many of them specialized and specific to certain aircraft. These fasteners require torque to properly perform the required task. A torque is a twisting moment produced around a point when a force is applied to a lever arm positioned at a distance from that point. The torque value should be specified on the drawing, in the production requirements or directly in the work instructions.

Aircraft structural assemblers assemble, adjust and install prefabricated parts to build fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft or aircraft components. They check aircraft assemblies to ensure they meet technical requirements. They work for aircraft manufacturers and aircraft sub-assemblies.